Communicating with the public.
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- Publication date
- 1970
- Publisher
- Chicago, Ill. : Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corp.
- Contributor
- Internet Archive
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 15.3G
Secretaries, clerks, and switchboard operators are interviewed about important things to remember when dealing with the public. The three sections of the film suggest effective means of communicating by telephone, by correspondence, and in person. At the end of each segment, the veiewers are offered an opportunity for discussion and comment
- Addeddate
- 2015-01-16 19:50:37
- Boxid
- IA1113004
- Identifier
- communicatingwiththepublic
- Oclc_id
- 13509721
- Ocr
- Like when I kind of just. Like my water service or non. Linear. Every organization has a public to communicate with. How effective that communication is depends partly on skills and techniques but it also depends on good human relations. In this film. We'll look at three important message of communication the telephone conversation. The written word. And personal contact. With you. Will end our look at each method with a problem is requiring an immediate decision. But instead of having the person involved to make the decision to come back we're going to stop the film and let you talk about how you would handle the problem. Communicating effectively and courteously by telephone isn't really difficult but you can't take it for granted you have to work at it. Well one thing I would say is very important that you always have interest in your voice you must show that you're interested in whatever the caller discussing I feel that it's easiest to communicate with the passenger if you get on a person. Basis with them and by using their name. Picking up their name right away in the conversation it helps them feel that they have become not just a client but an important person to you if I try to think of the go to man as myself you know be controlled Really Yes hi to them and finally let him and I tried to think of women and you know having a problem that I might have Sunday one thing about the switchboard and in my job on this site they can see me and I can see them but they can hear my voice and they hear there's So if you can get a first no idea say first send a visual impression of them then it helps to communicate with them better I feel definitely a says yes and if you listen attentively you can determine what the song about me as a few pointed questions if you months and then in turn turn him over to the for perjury I think the best way to reassure the passenger that you are giving him complete information and accurate information is to not put them on hold to verify something but I'd rather let them know. Leave the line open while I work on something so they can hear that I am still there are figuring affair are looking something up another they've just been put on hold and left stranded and when a caller called a huge angry he's going to take it out on the first person he gets and that is the aspirator and if you can count him down be pleasant to him he in turn will come down himself and you get your problems resolved. Britannica. Great for used ordinary routine in situations like these are the ones you'll be faced with nine times out of ten. However there will be situations which don't follow a simple pattern. Considered also so if it is a shame got them actually to see them trying to find out about some of the breakers I order for two three weeks ago you got the delivery honestly before five today and I still not hear the stories of Mr Cardoza who handle that sort of thing. I'll let me transfer you to our shipping the fight about the chipping departed that's where I went for as they say we do accounting for their marketing I've been there every department in your company set up if I don't get up on the trouble that if I'm in trouble so are you going to sue your company well please come down if you give me some details out try to help you out you better believe this girl did not create the caller's probably but she's being called upon to solve it. We're going to stop the SO for a few minutes to let you talk about what you would do if you were in her position. Communications of all types are designed to be clearer and more accurate more specific interests I think that the spoken word. But even though their requirements it forms a more than expected to find there is still a place in them for courtesy. Chair and thoughtfulness. What I look for and. Releasing a letter is mostly factual information if the facts are correct then I look for the grammar. Oh yes we also have to keep my eye or. Anything when I hear the stories we must look it up. We don't really camp Family years for their the woods and. We have to check my grammar. New we can use those banks to feel a little if you remember in high school I do for a step if you see that comes in when the only time I think gravity. Getting to the point may be making a little friendly and. Just nobody to want know which object is that when you do send up a letter and I feel last letters that we receive our money. And well done but there are always a few exceptions many of the letters sick a lot of this office my boss doesn't see for example I signed a lot of his letters so when I'm taking dictation and there's something I don't understand I've got to stop him because I want to make sure that I got it I got. My boss would rather that I did that to him because he wants to make sure that the final letter says exactly what he wants to say it seems odd to judge an organization just one letter but if you do get a letter with Smudge is typographical errors. Strike overs I don't see how you could have any confidence that company. A take a letter to Mr Fred Tomkins Feist president Buell manufacturing company. There Mr Tompkins. In reply to yours of the twenty third and wanted to make that the dear friends. In reply to yours of the twenty third. I think it was a choice there. Leave it there Mr Tompkins Well anyway with regard to the each A.J. two for Dan is. Is that the number yeah. Which we make. Which are used to make. But we don't anymore although I think we still have some in stock and I think I can get somebody a probably try to get it out for you. The conversion being the same. This girl's boss has an organized his thoughts well before beginning dictation. If she sends a letter out as these dictated it it's going to be unclear and make her boss look foolish any Well it would give you how would you handle the situation. It's easy enough to remember that your office visitors have come to transact business. But sometimes hard to recall is that while people of visiting your office there also but you're getting. I treat everyone then stiff there an individual and they have their own special needs. And I try not to let the last contact effect this one that's the first thing they walk up to Canada now see you when you want to be the picture of what they expect to see him eat now you're representing your company that's so important. Each person has something different to tell you something different to say in each case person presents his case in a different manner and you have to ask pertinent questions to find out just what they are driving. Mainly a willingness to try to do your very best whatever that is if you're checking bags or ticket agent or you're president of the airline you want to do the very best job you can that team for thing is well I always take my leave from the person I am waiting. If they're upset you talked very calmly to them you talk about the various same young ladies parody account can just listen. Oftentimes people coming here because answer probably is that it's fun to have someone to talk to before they get around to the problem sometimes you can you know soon as you see him that he. He's dissatisfied and they had some type of a gripe so you have to handle him kind of easy. Well I get to meet most of the people that come to the office but when my boss is the way. I'm in charge so I try to handle the situation exactly the way he would and listen to the person and make them feel at ease as much as possible and find out what they came to the office for and what I can do doubt than. Hell is I've got to go out the plant right away to find a real bad break down how bad is it can tell us when I say I don't expect me back today. Premise events actually in fifteen minutes if he's going to talking about you know I know and I don't want to miss out on that deal but I can't help but look I make my apologies to Mr Van Dyke down in something whatever you do don't tell me about the breakdown and see if you can make another point a little before I leave town I'm counting on your special. On her own facing a difficult situation with no easy answers what would you do if you were in her plane.
- Run time
- 12:13
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- Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.0
- Scanningcenter
- sanfrancisco
- Source
- Lasergraphics ScanStation
- Worldcat (source edition)
- 13509721
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August 12, 2019
Subject: watch for the electronic music
Subject: watch for the electronic music
Fascinating soundtrack which is not credited. Two names are listed for sound. My guess is that Howard Chesley is the composer, since he was also active in the same period, as sound designer for the feature films "Gimme Shelter" and "Fillmore". If anyone knows more, please comment!
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